Well its been way to long since I last blogged. I need to get in the habit of doing this more often. Its just that lately there has not been a whole lot to blog about especially in respect to the house. However the other day we heard that the reason the bank has not signed any papers is due to the fact that there is a problem with the title. What that is we don't yet know, or how long it will take to figure out. That being said, it sounds like they are agreeing to our price. If they haven't said no and are working on the title one could argue that they have agreed.
On another note, I bought myself a new toy a little while ago. The iPhone 3gs, for anyone who has played with an iPhone or has one it is awesome. The 3gs is no exception it is better than ever. With this new phone comes a new phone number (I didn't want to wait for a day or so for my old number to switch over ;) )
On top of that, I received my Google Voice invite, which means my new number is (for now) 1-207-518-8048 if I ever get a home phone, this number will ring both my cell and the home phone. If you want to learn anything more about it check out http://voice.google.com also you can send txt's to that number too.
I will put a "Call me" button on the side of my blog which will (when clicked) call your phone, and then connect you to me. Its pretty cool but I am still learning about it. Give me a call and we can try it out :)
That's about it for now. Hope to blog more soon.