Wednesday, April 29, 2009

(Click to make bigger)
Enjoy this pic, Old Orchard Beach at Sunrise. Out of all the pics we took this was by far the best one. We were so tired at this point we actually left like 20min before the sun actually came up, we had been standing in the cold wind for a little over an hour and being tired and freezing we decided to call this close enough to watching the sunrise. Let me know what you think.

You all will never guess what we saw while driving in the Portland area. We were driving down I think it was Commercial Ave in the Old Port and out of no where we hear screeching tires and this guy coming toward us veers to turn and just runs into a guard rail. We were like no way, then a cop behind us turned on his lights. We are thinking wow bad luck for him. Then as we are just slowly driving away I turn my head and see him getting out and starts running from the cop....I am like no way (again, lol). We are going slow so we see all this within a matter of seconds. The guy doesn't get far and just as we are almost out of sight 5 more cops come out of nowhere all lights on from every side street around. They were everywhere. The cops actually get this guy to the ground, we turned around thinking maybe the cops wanted a wittiness. We waited to talk to them until they had the guy in the cop car and everything settled down. The cop said "So, all you witnessed was the accident?" Which leads me to believe my earlier thought that they were already looking for him when he crashed, hence the fact that 5 cops came out within seconds. Really it was so quick that the first cop couldn't have even had time to radio in where he was or what was going on, and how many cops cant handle a simple accident. If anyone hears about this in the news please let me know.
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On the Road!

This is my first blog on the road. Heather and I are driving to Cape Elizabeth to chill in the car for the night and watch the sunrise. This was a pretty random idea I had this morning. We both have tomorrow off and figured we would do something different. I will post some pictures when we get home, hopefully they will be good ones. :) Until then....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Random updates

Ok, so the bank has not signed the contract yet. However, there was a page we forgot to initial. That isn't bad news tho. They are already working on the house. From what we have heard they have turned on the electricity and are working on the water. We have an inspection scheduled for Tuesday if they have finished by then. I am assuming we will be under contract next week sometime.

Now for something besides the house. Today Heather and I are off to a wedding in Waterville. Its around 3:00 altho I will not be staying long, I have been pretty sick the last few days. Yesterday I was running a fever at work, but I held in there :). I have litterly had to drag myself through the last few days to keep from crashing. I am just looking forward to my vacation in June, A whole week off.

On another note, Heather has informed all her brides mades about the wedding, so that's one detail that's done. I have found someone to be the DJ, so that's another detail done. We are not sure where we are going to have it at the moment. I don't think it will be at the house. I will keep everyone informed as to where it will be.

That's all for now, till my next update. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009


Well today was the day we were suppose to be under contract on the new house. However, the paperwork from the bank did not arrive at the realtor. So, we had to fill out a new bid with the details that we had already agreed on. The next step is for them to send the bid back signed, then we sign and its at that point we will officially be under contract.

After we are under contract with the house, the next step is getting an inspector to check out the house. We will have 5 or 10 days (I don't remember exactly) after the bank says that all the utilities are up and running to get our inspection done. This is the last step that will really determine if we are really going to take the house. Hopefully there will not be any major problems that we are not aware of.

Well, that's where we are at right now. More updates to come.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Good News!

Well after waiting for what seems like forever, we finally heard back from the bank...and not to bore you with the details it looks like we are getting the house. After a few back and forth counter offers, over a few minor details. We will be under contract as of Monday.

What happens then is that the bank will bring someone in to make sure all the utilities are all in working order. After that we will have an inspection done and its at that point we will actually know if we are gonna take the house. A few things depend on the inspection. So, for now its good news and I will keep everyone up to date as we progress through all this. If all goes well the new closing date will be June 5th I believe.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No word yet...

We are still waiting to hear something from the bank. I don't understand why its taking so long for this last detail. They were very quick to counter our offers the first and second time.

On another note, the wedding date has changed... It is now May 15th, 2010 or (5/15/10). So re-mark it in your calendars :)

When we hear anything on either subjects I will post it asap.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


OK, So as promised this is an update on the house. As of now, we are waiting to hear back from the bank for the last time over one last detail, basically I am pretty sure we are getting the house. The closing date will be near the end of May which is one month before our lease runs out at our apartment so we will most likely end up paying for the last month here and have a month to move our stuff slowly. Which is a good thing because the last few times I have moved it as been rushed over a day or two. I updated the pictures of the house when I went in a second time, so there are a few more, the address is here.

I am expecting to hear back from the bank early next week. At that point the bank has agreed to get all the utilities up and working. After that we have 10 days to get our general inspection done. We will see if everything is working to our satisfaction.

Thanks to my mom and dad, we already have a washer and dryer for when we move in which is awesome! We will be buying a fridge fairly soon after we move in, so if anyone knows of a free or cheap on please let me know :) I will update you all as soon as we hear back from the bank.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Its looking up!

Well to start this, the bank countered our offer...and the good news its within reason. We re-countered just for good measure but its looking up as of now. We have bank meetings tomorrow, a second viewing setup for myself and a guy I know who does heating and plumbing to give us an idea of the condition of the furnace and plumbing situation.

I am off to bed but will finish this update sometime soon.

Friday, April 03, 2009

And it goes on...

Well our realtor was going to place our bid yesterday however we received a call from her saying that she talked to the selling realtor and he mentioned that there may be some busted pipes. Not sure if that's pluming or heating. If this is the case, it will probably have to be fixed before we close on the house due to the loan.

Our bid is low enough that we hope we can put some money into the house right off. There are many projects to fix up in the house, but the structure of the house is pretty solid which we both like. Anything beyond that we should be able to deal with over time.

Today however we heard back from the bank which, come to find out, has 2 other offers on it already (didn't know that earlier) and the bank said to come back with the best offer from each person, so we talked and upped our offer a little. I am hoping to hear back sometime next week.

I am crossing my fingers and trying not to get discouraged. I know we will find something eventually and it will be the right one. I just hope it comes sooner than later.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

New House

well since I had the day off today, I looked around on and found a few potentials. One of which we ended up placing a bid on today. I uploaded the pics I took of it to picasaweb. Check it out and let me know what you guys think. We are hoping to hear back by early next week.

Its very spacious with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, on .34 acres.
It has a very large living room with hard wood floors, and tons of windows.