Wednesday, April 29, 2009

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Enjoy this pic, Old Orchard Beach at Sunrise. Out of all the pics we took this was by far the best one. We were so tired at this point we actually left like 20min before the sun actually came up, we had been standing in the cold wind for a little over an hour and being tired and freezing we decided to call this close enough to watching the sunrise. Let me know what you think.

You all will never guess what we saw while driving in the Portland area. We were driving down I think it was Commercial Ave in the Old Port and out of no where we hear screeching tires and this guy coming toward us veers to turn and just runs into a guard rail. We were like no way, then a cop behind us turned on his lights. We are thinking wow bad luck for him. Then as we are just slowly driving away I turn my head and see him getting out and starts running from the cop....I am like no way (again, lol). We are going slow so we see all this within a matter of seconds. The guy doesn't get far and just as we are almost out of sight 5 more cops come out of nowhere all lights on from every side street around. They were everywhere. The cops actually get this guy to the ground, we turned around thinking maybe the cops wanted a wittiness. We waited to talk to them until they had the guy in the cop car and everything settled down. The cop said "So, all you witnessed was the accident?" Which leads me to believe my earlier thought that they were already looking for him when he crashed, hence the fact that 5 cops came out within seconds. Really it was so quick that the first cop couldn't have even had time to radio in where he was or what was going on, and how many cops cant handle a simple accident. If anyone hears about this in the news please let me know.
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Heather said...

I love you babe! we will have to do that again when it gets warmer! muah.